Parenting PhD Welcomes You!

Parenting PhD is brought to you by the Parenting Coalition of Douglas County. The Parenting Coalition is a collaborative effort between parents, the school district, law enforcment, youth initiatives, private therapists, recreational programs, domestic violence specialists, learning specialists and other community members dedicated to identifying the real needs of Douglas County families and implementing effective strategies to address those needs. The Parenting Coalition meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 11 a.m. - - join us!

Parenting PhD is intended to serve as a place for caregivers in the Douglas County, CO, area to find resources that can enhance their skills and increase the tools available to them as they do the most wonderful and toughest job there is.

The Parenting Coalition knows that parents and caregivers will check out service providers and resources before using them and do their level best to choose what is best for their families. The resources listed on these pages are by no means complete and they are not endorsed by the Parenting Coalition or any of the partner agencies participating in the Coalition.


Monday, June 11, 2012

Personal Economy

(The following was contributed by Sarah Senst with Families First - - you can check out their blog at!)


Our country continues to be in a strained economy. These past few years have been a humbling experience for me and my children. And while it has been a stressful time, many good things have come of it. We have found ways to do without, redefined our true needs and have a better understanding of what are our priorities. For example, in our family, we value time together now more than ever. And through difficult times we have grown closer and work much better as a team.
It is important, that at times like these, we continue to build that team. Now is a great time to learn about and understand our local resources. In uncertain and unfamiliar times it is also important to reach out for support. This support may go beyond your immediate family and may include extended family, friends and neighbors, church, mental health professionals, school, support groups, community resources and telephone help lines. It is beneficial to discover that other people have had or are having similar situations and to learn how others have learned to cope and adjust.
So many people have been faced with new challenges in these changing times and have been forced to find new ways to manage. Some are faced with unemployment, foreclosure, moving away from family, changing schools, adjusting to a new lifestyle, or simply finding a new way of doing things. I heard an interesting term recently called a “personal economy”. This idea is founded on not only personal finances but focuses on assigning new and improved value to things and the people in our lives. It is reestablishing the economics in your household, both literally and figuratively. This is a great dinner time discussion to have with your family, consider some of the following; “What do we enjoy doing?” “Is there another, less expensive way to enjoy that same thing” “Is there something new we would like to try” “What do we have time to do now that we didn’t have time to do before?” “What do we actually need versus what do we ‘want’?” Come together as a team to define your personal economy and utilize your external supports and resources to do so. This creates familial strength and resiliency!
For other great tips about talking to your kids call… 1-800-CHILDREN(800-244-5373) or e-mail . For support in Spanish please call 1-866-LAS FAMILIAS. Both Family Support Lines offer parenting tips, community resources and information only and does not serve as legal or mental health advice.