Parenting PhD Welcomes You!

Parenting PhD is brought to you by the Parenting Coalition of Douglas County. The Parenting Coalition is a collaborative effort between parents, the school district, law enforcment, youth initiatives, private therapists, recreational programs, domestic violence specialists, learning specialists and other community members dedicated to identifying the real needs of Douglas County families and implementing effective strategies to address those needs. The Parenting Coalition meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 11 a.m. - - join us!

Parenting PhD is intended to serve as a place for caregivers in the Douglas County, CO, area to find resources that can enhance their skills and increase the tools available to them as they do the most wonderful and toughest job there is.

The Parenting Coalition knows that parents and caregivers will check out service providers and resources before using them and do their level best to choose what is best for their families. The resources listed on these pages are by no means complete and they are not endorsed by the Parenting Coalition or any of the partner agencies participating in the Coalition.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Buying Kids' Headphones


               You won’t find them for sale in most stores.  Sales staff at your local retail outlet won’t know what you are talking about.  Still, there really are some safer alternatives when it comes to kids’ headphones and sound products. Consider this; one in five kids will have some degree of noise induced hearing loss by the time they are teens.  MP3 players, loud videogames, and other noisy entertainments are all culprits.

What features should you look for when buying kids’ headphones?

·        Don’t let appearances fool you.  Just because a product is being marketed to kids doesn’t mean it is safe for kids.  One national chain with several Denver retail outlets targets teen and preteen girls exclusively.  They sell headphones that don’t stint on the rhinestones but lack safety features.  One of the most popular brands of teen headphones boasts model names like Crusher and Slayer and that’s what they do to young ears without the proper education.

·        At the very least, headphones should be noise cancelling.  One reason kids turn the volume up is to drown out environmental noise around them. If you must buy over the counter headsets, “ear can” style headphones that fit over the ear are preferable to earbuds. 

·        Even better are decibel-limiting headphones.  They have a maximum volume of 85 decibels, the upper limit of safe listening.  Above 85 decibels, permanent hearing loss is possible.  The higher the decibels, the less the exposure time needed for permanent hearing loss to occur.  Etymotic, a leader in safe technology, makes the ETY Kids brand.  Kidzsafe by SMS Audio is another good brand.  Vic Firth, has long been a crusader for hearing conservation.  The company’s founder did a lot of research to create a headphone that would be safe for his own child to use.  Kidphones by Vic Firth are decibel limiting and also sound pressure reducing.

·        “Bone phones” are another alternative. Delicate ear structures conduct sound, of course, but hard, study bone also does a great job.  Luckily, the best bone in your body, your skull, is handy! These high tech headphones bypass the ear canal entirely without affecting sound quality.  iHeadbones is compatible with all devices that have an audio jack.  If  you order online use the event code “DOUGLAS” for free shipping.
Ordering information:

iHeadbones--order online code DOUGLAS for free shipping)  phone: 888-866-0807

Vic Firth—order online phone: 617-364-6869

Etymotic—order online phone: 1-888-etymotic

SMS Audio phone: 561-278-2323

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